At long last,
Spring is springing: bees are buzzing; trees are greening; birds are singing… a
brightening scene-ing. At Lafayette School, the
arrival of Spring means another thing. It’s time to rhyme! We’re looking forward to
National Poetry Month and a visit from The Mayhem Poets in April. But first, we’re marching through March with our annual
Parade of Poetry: a time to read poems, write poems, perform poems, and share
the magic of poetry with friends and family. Let’s get our hand-clapping, foot-stomping, rhythm-jamming,
rhyme-slamming Parade of Poetry started!
Original Poetry on Parade Artwork by Cynthia Z. |
Even as we celebrate Spring, we take a poetic glance back at our long, cold, snowy winter. Kate and Halsey share This Winter I Went Sledding by Kenn Nesbitt:
No doubt about it, storm-after-winter-storm gave us a collective case of cabin fever. Sally and Norah explore another popular poetic malady in School Fever by Brod Bagert:
Let's move from a wish-filled school poem to a school-of-fish poem. Kendall and Mia perform Fishy by Doug Florian:
A fishy poem, indeed! Spring is not only time to rhyme, it's also time to frolic. After watching Katrina, Amelia, and Ciara perform Dancing Pants by Shel Silverstein, we think there's something fishy-- and fascinating-- about a frolicking wardrobe:
Dancing pants! Poetry invites us to think... to dream... to wonder about the world in new and exciting ways. Here, Julia and Josie share What Will I Be? by Dennis Lee:
To think. To dream. To wonder. Where will poetry take us next? Stay tuned, Poetry Paraders!